Jakob Abeßer bio photo

Jakob Abeßer

Senior Scientist & Principal Investigator

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💼 I am a senior scientist and principal investigator at Fraunhofer IDMT with a focus on applied research in music information retrieval & machine listening.

💼 I am also a Postdoctoral Researcher at the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen in the group of Prof. Dr. Meinard Müller

🎓 I’m currently working on my habilitation Computational Analysis of Sounds and Music at the TU Ilmenau.

🔬 In my research, I combine techniques from machine learning / deep learning and audio signal processing. I mainly focus on two application scenarios:

  • Environmental Sound Analysis - Here, I work mostly on sound event detection, sound polyphony estimation, acoustic scene classification, and applications for urban sound monitoring and bioacoustic research.

  • Music Information Retrieval - Here, I’m mostly interested in automatic music transcription and instrument recognition.

👨‍🏫 Teaching

As a central part of my habilitation, I’m active in university teaching:

  • Computational Analysis of Sound and Music - Full semester lecture (English) at TU Ilmenau in the summer semester 2024, which is covering fundamentals in audio signal processing and machine/deep learning, application scenarios in music information retrieval and environmental sound analysis, as well as a practical research project. Check out the Lecture Page to follow along and access the lecture slides and Jupyter notebooks.

  • Machine Listening for Music and Sound Analysis - 6-part lecture (English) on audio signal processing & deep learning applied for music information retrieval (MIR) and environmental sound analysis (ESA). The lecture took place for the fifth time in the winter semester 2023/2024 at the TU Ilmenau. The lecture & seminar material can be found on the Lecture Page.

  • KI-gestützte Audioanalyse von Musik und Soundscapes - Bi-weekly seminar (German) in the winter semester 2022/2023 at the HfM Weimar in cooperation with Prof. Martin Pfleiderer. The lecture material can be found on the Lecture Page.

🔔 News

🎸 🥁 🎧 Music

I have a big passion for playing & teaching music (bass guitar & percussion).